Sunday, January 25, 2009

35 Things

It is absolutley beautiful outside right now... But I'm inside becasue it's cold, and I've got nothing to do, so I decided to blog!
It's amazing because I haven't since, well, forever! So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to write about myself, and sort of copy my mommy!

1] I am seventeen, but do not have my license. =C

2] I love to sing.

3] I love to knit.

4] I'm a big fan of reading, but I haven't found a good book since the Twilight Saga.

5] I love my family, and it makes me sad that I don't get to see all of them a lot.

6] I am a huge fan of music, and I like almost everything. But don't ask me what my favorite is, because that's like asking someone to count the sand in the ocean.

7] My mom is my hero. She means the world to me, and I cannot even imagine what my life would be like without her.

8] I would much rather hang out with my step-dad Kent, than with my dad.

9] I never, ever let my siblings know I love them, but I do. With all my heart. And I know that it's not very smart of me to argue with them, because one day it'll just be me and them, and I want to have a solid relationship with them when that happens.

10] I think Rascal Flatts makes me a little hormonal.

11] I bet my mom is crying and/or laughing right now, due to her pregnancy hormones. :-)

12] I've never had a boyfriend. But it doesn't totally bother me, because there is plenty of time for that later.

13] There are a few guys that I like.

14] I wish that I was in better physical shape.

15] I might start running this summer.

16] I wish we had a dog.

17] I am not a cat person.

18] I am a Duck fan.

19] I want to find a church.

20] I don't understand how people can look outside at the beauty of the world, and not believe that the Almighty crafted it.

21] A Walk To Remember is one of my favorite books and movies.

23] I love What Not To Wear.

24] I have about 70 pairs of shoes. ;-)

25] I hope to be a pastry chef when I grow up.

26] Facebook is better than Myspace.

27] I hate math with a passion.
I really like all of my other class at school besides the latter.

28] I am a bit compettitive.

29] I would rather have a few friends that really know me, than have a whole gaggle of people who fallow me around.

30] Courtney Millsap is my best friend in the world.

31] I am a horrible speller, but I like to write.

32] I correct people's grammar a lot.

33] I think it's fun to people watch.

34] I think it would be really cool to have a flamboyantly gay friend.

35] I want to join the Peace Corps, and go to Kiribati (pronounced Kireebus).

And I could go on, but I'm sure that you've had enough.... =)