Tuesday, May 12, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers... May Showers Bring New Tastebuds

Okay... so really, I've not written since January 25th. That was a looooooongg time ago since it is now May 12th...

However, the above statement is not relevant to what I want to talk about today.

So, on Mother's Day, we went to my mom's IP's (intended parents, for those of you who don't know surro lingo) house for brunch. Well, J made a quiche. Those of you who really know me, know that I do not like eggs.. or things made with eggs... or things that taste like eggs. But... I decided that I would go out on a limb and take a bite of Kayte's. And what do you know! But I thought that quiche was soo good that I had to have my own piece! Crazieness! I know!!! But if you could have had a piece of that quiche... The crust was like eating heaven! And there was bacon... oh man! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

The second thing happened today...
I was having some serious acid reflux. And so I had some tums. But those did not help. So once we were getting ready for dinner, and I asked my mom if chocolate milk would help settle it. She said it probably wouldn't because chocolate gives her heart burn and because of the sugar. So then I decided to try a tiny taste of regular white milk... And for those of you who know me well, know that regular white milk makes me gag!
But that taste of milk was good. So I poured myself a small glass and had it with dinner! And ya know what? My acid reflux isn't flairing up! Amazing!

So I guess all that crazy Oregon rain we got early this month has made my mouth change! Good for me! I can get more protine and calcium!

I wonder if I'd like regular eggs.. probably not, becaues the quiche didn't really have an eggy consitancy or flavor really.. So I might just have to get that recipe from J so that I can make it! =D