Sunday, August 10, 2008


Well here I am... Sitting at my computer on this quite uneventful evinging. Just bloging and listening to Mr. Buble....

Opps! Did I say uneventful??
Haha! How could this night be uneventful?

This is the first ever night that I have ever bloged anything. ANYTHING!
Do you not understand??? I could be on the verge of turning into my mother! And how crazy would that me?
I mean... I already look and act and live and stuff like my mother! So what's the difference, right?
No really. I love my mommy. She is the best person I know! And I would be honored if I could blog like she does. I mean, she has one of the best vocabularies in the world. And she can spell, without having to look it up. And she puts so much emotion into every thing she writes.
I really think that she should use her skills to benefit. And she could write books! For real people! Haha!! She would be great at it! =D

Jeez! Do I sound a little homesick?
Or rather momsick?
Well, I am. And I am here (my dad's house) for what seems like forever this time!

Okay. So onto another subject that happens to be quite interesting. I don't know if you have heard of it, or seen it either for that matter... But The Last Mimzy is such a good movie! I would totally recommend it to anyone. Michael, Caleb, and I watched it today. Caleb and I thought it was really good (obviously), but then Mr. I-Think-I-Know-How-The-World-Should-Be-Ran thought that it was dumb. He said it was "predictable" and had a "weak story line". Well... I have news for him. The world doesn't care about what he thinks. And they make movies for entertainment reasons... Not to please the quizzical
mind of my brother.

Ohhh! And another thing that vexes me.
So as I said before, I am at my dad's house. Well... He moved back into the city, but in doing that, he moved into the house directly behind my grandmother's house. That grandmother is my dad's mom. And I do love her... but sometimes she just exasperates me! For example:
My bampow (dad's dad) had to have is hip "resurfaced". So my grammi wanted me to help her with her foster kids- Oh yeah... She's a foster parent and at the time has a two-year-old and a six-month-old- and around the house with Bampow. Well that was fine. And then, she had her sisters come over... all the way from Kansas. Okay, that's fine. Now, at the time when I agreed to help her with the kids, I didn't realize what I was singing up for. As it turns out, she practically had me on call to watch the kids whenever she needed to go run little bitty errands.
I mean, seriously! And I'm not even getting paid that much! Gaahhhh!!! I can't believe I was so gullible to do that.
And now, get this! She said that tomorrow I get to have the "day off". But that just means that I have to be here at my dad's and watch my evil step mom's off spring (Caleb)!
But, I do have to say that he is a lot easier to watch than Gram's kids.

Okay... Now it's 10:00pm... I really should get off the computer. And go to sleep...

I didn't realize how addictive blogging could be! =D

Until next time ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

write!!!!!!!I need more!!!!!!!
write+not- do you hear me?!