Saturday, September 13, 2008

So, I don't really know what to blog about today. I have been getting requests that I blog more, but really... What do you want to know?

Anyway. The second week of school is done. And I'm doing fairly well. I had a test the first week of school, and completely failed it. Well, not really... But it was a solid C. And that just is not acceptable! The good news is that Ms. Fisher has made it so that at the end of the tri, the lowest test score you have, she will take off. So that will be the lowest test score I have. Then I had a test in Health yesterday. And I'm pretty sure I did well. And on Tuesday, I have two tests. Seriously! Who said it was acceptable to have four test in the first 10 days of school? That's bananas!

Oooh! We have new music in Choir! We have a Moses Hogan song, an Eric Witacre song (both composeres of which we sang last year), and then we have two more. These are all Christmas songs, because we will be singing at the Grato this year! Who's excited?!!! MEE!!!! =D

Michael is out hunting with my dad this week. He left Wednesday night, and he's gone for 11 days. That means that he is missing 7 days of school with unexcusede absences. And he started freaking out because of all the homework he got! I was like, DUDE! You are missing 7 days of school!!! Did you really think they would just let you have a little bit to do and make the rest of your classmates do normal everyday work?! I don't think so! Get over it! Gaahh!

Oh! And for those of you who don't know, I'm a Twilighter. Yep. One of those people. And if you have a problem with that, get a life. Because you probably haven't read it, thus you have no idea what you are talking about. So get over it. Twilight is amazing and everyone should read the whole siries. I'm in the middle of Breaking Dawn. So don't tell me anything about it until I say so on here. And I will. But I won't give anything away.
Dude! My aunt Mary Anne started reading Breaking Dawn without knowing what it was about and that it's the last book of Twilight!
That makes me mad too. Stephine Meyer had decited to put Midnight Sun "on hold, indefinietly."
Stupid person who leaked it. I hate you. >: E

Yeah. That's all I can think of to wright right now.

Until next time ♥

Friday, September 5, 2008

'Tis Been A While

I am fully aware that I have not blogged since August 11. So now I am bloging, to let ya'll in on some stuff that has happened.

So as of Wednesday this week, I am officially a Junior at OCHS! And I'm pretty excited for this year. My classes this trimester include Master Choir, Culinary Arts, Honors Advanced Cell Biology, Health 2, and Honors American Literature. Then, next trimester I will have Master Choir (again), Honors Advanced Genetics Biology (the second part of the cell bio), Honors Government and Politics, Introduction to Dace (instead of a PE class), and Honors Pre Calculus. And then third trimester I will have Master Choir, Honors Pre Calculus, Event Planning, Honors American Literature, and Honors Economics. So a pretty full load this year, but evenly spread out. So that is good. And I am way looking foraward to this year! =D

In other news, we are officaially moving. Yes, again!! The good news is that this house will be the last one we move to. And I know that we all have heard that before, but I'm pretty sure that this time it's for real. We are going to be leasing it until we buy it. So that's pretty set in stone.
Anyway, the house is in Oregon City, so I don't have to change schools! And neither does Michael! =D The only one who has to change schools is Kayte, and she will just have to deal. Because once she is in seventh grade, she will be in the same school as all of her friends right now. Plus, she has a super bubbly personality and can make friends so easily. So don't let her make you think that she won't be able to handle one more move!

And then, something I'm not sure all of you know yet. But something that is happening just for me is that on October 13, I am taking the red eye to Washington D.C.! I'm going there for the National Young Leaders Conference (NYLC) held by the Congressional Youth Leadership Counsel (CYLC).
The National Young Leaders Conference (NYLC) gives high-achieving sophomores, juniors and seniors a greater understanding of their roles in democracy and the responsibilities of leadership. As these students meet with the men and women who shape laws and policies, they gain an inside perspective on key issues. Through interaction with Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, diplomats, lobbyists, journalists and academicians, NYLC scholars receive direct experience and guidance that cannot be found in textbooks.
Each session of the National Young Leaders Conference is designed to educate, inspire and motivate students by giving them the confidence and leadership skills that will take them into the future.
The NYLC curriculum was developed by Dr. Marguerite C. Regan, a former high school teacher and social science department chairperson with a doctorate in political science from Purdue University. Dr. Regan has been involved in the creation and development of innovative educational curricula and programs for over 30 years. Under Dr. Regan's direction, the curriculum provides a unique approach to leadership training." (

Okay.. Well dinner is ready. So I'll be back later, maybe. But that's what's going on so far! =D

Until next time ♥