Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The person you go to,

to talk about everything.

The person you go to,

to make sure that you are OK.

The person you go to,

to just be with.

The person who,

without, you wouldn’t know what to do.

The person who you trust with every fiber of your being.

The person who means more to you than anything else in the world;

who brightens even your darkest days;

who will always be there-

even if you are miles apart.

            Nothing comes between you and this person.

You are so alike,

you just know how that person is feeling by looking into that person’s eyes.

And when frustration passes between the two of you,

you feel like you might throw something because you don’t want to be upset with that person.

You feel utterly alone when the tension is high,

but neither of you do well with confrontation,

and you know that the only thing you can do is just

cool off.

            It’s the purest, most unconditional love around.

It’s the feeling of being home when you are in that person’s arms,

no matter how far away your house is.

It’s the ache,

deep in the pit of your stomach,

when you have to be somewhere that person isn’t.

It’s the feeling you get when you remember how you felt

when that person picked you up from the airport after the week

when you were on the other side of the country.

It’s knowing,

that even in the hardest times,

that person will make you laugh and forget what is stressing you out.

            You owe your life to this person.

Without this person,

you are nothing.

Without this person,

you literally would not be you.

Half of your genes-

yep, they are her’s.

Her genes are my genes.

She is my mother.

My best friend,

and biggest fan.

She’s a super hero in fabulous jeans,

and she is all mine.

She’s my chauffeur,

my personal chef,

and my biggest role model.

            My mom is so incredibly important to me. I feel empty if I don’t know what she thinks about everything I do. I work my little booty off to make her proud. And I know that I don’t tell her enough, but I appreciate everything she does for me. Without expecting anything in return, she just does what needs to be done.

No matter how hard I try,

she will still be there for me-

to coach me,

carry me,

or just let me vent whatever worries I have.

            She is the greatest,

most beautiful

and strong willed woman I’ve ever met.

I am so alike to her,

but I could never be her.

She is my sunshine,

and she will forever be my best friend.