Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Guess who's not happy at the moment?

If you guessed me, you can go ahead and pat yourself on the back.... But do you know why??

If you guessed it had something to do with the fact that I'm at my dad's house, then give yourself a high-five.

So here's what went down...

As most of you know, I am going to D.C. on Monday. Well, this weekend is a four day weekend, and it just so happened that we (Michael and I) were banished to Tanni and Dad's. Okay- I'll live. But I was thinking that this would be a good weekend for me to get some stuff done. Like, say, get some homework done before I leave, hang out with a couple of friends, go shopping for more clothes for NYLC with my Gram, and/or get my hair cut. Well... the last two will be happening I'm just not sure when. Actually.... I'm getting my hair cut on Friday.

ANYWAY! We got here (dad's house) at like 7:00 pm. And then Dad, Michael, Caleb, and I watched Iron Man again. (great movie by the way) Then at about 9:30 ish, Tanni calls me into her room. So I go in, and she proceeds to give me the "run down" on what is going to happen this weekend. The first thing she says- "I'm working pretty much all weekend" Well isn't that just dandy! NOT! She continues to tell me that Caleb has school tomorrow, and that Micheal and I will be picking him up from school later in the afternoon. She however has to go to two out of her four jobs tomorrow. So she will not be here at all. Then, she tells me that Caleb doesn't have school friday, but she has to work in the morning. But, she will take me to get my hair cut when she is done. After that, she tells me that she also has to work on Saturday. (my dad also works on all of these three days) Then she asks if I want to go to West Salem High School's homecoming game. Well... the reason she wanted to know was because Caleb has this cub scouts thing that he has to do at some sporting event. Unbeknowest to me, Michael and I would have taken him by our selves!! I'm like, seriously!?!!?? I am not your on call babysitter/nanny person! I'm not even getting freaking paid for this! Nor am I getting asked to do all of this for her.

Well, I said no to the homecoming game (I didn't even go to OCHS's game, why would I go to WSHS's if I didn't even go there?), and they are just going to have to figure out another way of dealing with his thing. But now I have this stinking annoying thing that I have to deal with right before I leave!! Gosh. My head hurts.

So now I'm contemplating some things. I think that, if it's okay with Gram, I will go shopping tomorrow so that we don't have to worry about Caleb. Then after that, I'm not sure. But when I know what I'm going to do, I will defenatly blog about it! =D

Untill next time ♥

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