Thursday, October 9, 2008

This is fact.

I am sorry ahead of time if I say anything that may hurt some people's feelings.

As of right now, I freaking HATE my step mother!!!!! GAHHHHHHH!! She is such a bitch it is ridiculous!

Here's the story:

I asked Caleb (the devil's spawn) if he wanted to make some popcorn balls. Well, he did. And he wanted to help. Well, that's just fine with me. So I start popping the corn on the stove (because that biotch and my father don't by the bag kind- which is also fine) and getting everything ready to go. Well, the devil's spawn keeps wanting to know if he can help, and he can't because there is nothing for him to do yet. Finally, everything is ready to go. And I ask him if he wants to help. Well, he says yeah. So I'm like, "Go wash your hands" and then he's like, "I washed them after I went to the bathroom" and I was like, "When? This morning?" And he's like, "yeah."
So I'm thinking, ummm, no! That's grosse! So I tell him to go wash his hands, and that biotch says he needs to wash his hands too. Well, that little spawn of the devil goes and throughs a compleatly illigitimate tantrum because he has to wash his hands! I'm like, "Umm, hello! You have to wash your hands before you touch other people's food! DUUHHH!!" Well, evidently he went down stairs to wash his hands. So that biotch tells him he needs to take off his coat and blanket. And then he starts freaking out again!
Finally he takes off his coat and blanket and comes into the kitchen, where I am a good seven popcorn balls in, and grabs this huge handfull of popcorn. And I'm like, "GAAHH!! YOU NEED TO WASH YOUR HANDS!" And of course this sends him off the deepend. So he goes wailing down the stairs again, with that biotch telling me that what I said was compleatly inaproprate, and that I shouldn't talk to him like that. Then she goes down stars to get the little brat and hollars up to me that I need to come appoligize to him! I'm thinking, 'What the heck! I'm making these balls, and I can't stop, or they will get all hard and I will not be able to form them anymore!' And I tell her that I can't stop or they will get hard. But nooo. I have to go down and appoligize to the spawn of the devil.
So I go down there, and I say "Geeze Caleb. I didn't know that you washed your hands, but you don't need to be acting like a freaking brat! I'm sorry, okay?!"
Evidently, I didn't say it the right way, because the witch my father married freaked out! And then sends me to my room.

So now there is still a huge bowl of popcorn that needs to be pressed into balls or else turn into some unedible brick of corn.

But I don't really care. She's a bitch and that's all I have to say about that.

If she says that I can't get my hair cut tomorrow, I will tell her that I am not going to watch her brat tomorrow, and then go to grams house and call my mom and wait to go home.

GOSH! I can't freaking stand her! She's like ten times worse than Cinderella's step-mom. Because cleanining and cooking and such, I can do. It's all this RAISING HER CHILD that I can't handle!

So yeah, Mom, if you're reading this, call me and tell me what to do. Because I don't know if I can wait for Dad to get home to even talk to him. I feel like giving them the bird and never coming back!

Until next time ♥

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